Manchester City Again
England is just like America.
Or at least, it is in the small way I've chosen to elucidate today.
When not being invaded by terrifying robotic ambassadors of this country's far inferior version of football, England's national sport is visually plagued by the single-minded adherence to far-too-few team color motifs. Tomorrow, my chosen team, Manchester City, "The Blues", will play London's Chelsea, also "The Blues". Out of twenty teams, there are five teams that are officially called "The Blues" (Birmingham, Everton, and Portsmouth are the others), and four "Reds" - Liverpool, Arsenal, Middlesbrough, and "The Red Devils", Manchester United. The last World Cup Final featured another permutation of this peculiar prismatic disaster: Italy's Azzurri vs. France's Les bleus.

My normal sport of choice is of course also plagued by the same, let's call it, colorless uniform color uniformity. Baseball's fascination with red is, well, uniform, and encompasses, quickly, the following teams: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, Houston, St. Louis, Boston, Arizona, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Los Angeles. And as for the NBA.
Have we gained anything, together, by looking through all of those links? I'm not quite sure. But these things can be quite bothersome to watch. (Can you tell that these two are playing for different teams?) And since I'll be watching the Blues-Blues game tape-delayed on Sunday morning at 2 am, I'm worried that I'll just be unable to actually understand what is going on.
I thought I was doing some obscure, barely readable unexpected rooting for Manchester City, until I found this blog by an Italian fan. He has pictures of himself with three of the team's players(!), and much superior production value to "Faster Than a Shark", which boasts a mere two readers who must be notified every time it is updated. And it is nearly certain that one of them is at this very moment high on any number of hallucinogens and is licking a towel somewhere in the forests of Massachusetts.

Or at least, it is in the small way I've chosen to elucidate today.
When not being invaded by terrifying robotic ambassadors of this country's far inferior version of football, England's national sport is visually plagued by the single-minded adherence to far-too-few team color motifs. Tomorrow, my chosen team, Manchester City, "The Blues", will play London's Chelsea, also "The Blues". Out of twenty teams, there are five teams that are officially called "The Blues" (Birmingham, Everton, and Portsmouth are the others), and four "Reds" - Liverpool, Arsenal, Middlesbrough, and "The Red Devils", Manchester United. The last World Cup Final featured another permutation of this peculiar prismatic disaster: Italy's Azzurri vs. France's Les bleus.

My normal sport of choice is of course also plagued by the same, let's call it, colorless uniform color uniformity. Baseball's fascination with red is, well, uniform, and encompasses, quickly, the following teams: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, Houston, St. Louis, Boston, Arizona, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Los Angeles. And as for the NBA.
Have we gained anything, together, by looking through all of those links? I'm not quite sure. But these things can be quite bothersome to watch. (Can you tell that these two are playing for different teams?) And since I'll be watching the Blues-Blues game tape-delayed on Sunday morning at 2 am, I'm worried that I'll just be unable to actually understand what is going on.
I thought I was doing some obscure, barely readable unexpected rooting for Manchester City, until I found this blog by an Italian fan. He has pictures of himself with three of the team's players(!), and much superior production value to "Faster Than a Shark", which boasts a mere two readers who must be notified every time it is updated. And it is nearly certain that one of them is at this very moment high on any number of hallucinogens and is licking a towel somewhere in the forests of Massachusetts.

Labels: color theory, colorless uniform color uniformity, dick cheney, I stole this picture by logging into someone else's facebook, manchester city, robots